2 Alamat dan No Telp JNE Express di Danau Poso
Berikut ini adalah daftar Alamat dan No Telp agen JNE Express di "Danau Poso".
Alamat : Jl.
Danau Poso No.1A, Sanur Kauh, Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
No Telp :
(0361) 2010***Jam Buka : 08:00-17:00 (Senin - Sabtu).
Hari Minggu tutup.
Komentar Pengguna
Mirah Adi Kusmarini Putra
Memberi nilai : 3
When you order regular package delivery, it's OK. But when your order is sent with One Night Service, you'd better be prepared to look for your stuff at their warehouse. We put our phone number on the details hoping that the courier will call us once the package arrive and we're not at home. But they never call us and just let us do the tracking instead.
Hanan Syauqy
Memberi nilai : 1
What does YES means? You emotionally suck?!?! I want my refund but they told me that this is the center office fault. What the hell?? You guys are one company that means your company's suckk!! This branch office need maintenance especially the courrier and cargo..
Memberi nilai : 1
so i bought something from an online shopping website and i was hoping there are logistics other than jne that can ship my package, and there is. so i didnt choose jne, one day later i got the info and somehow the seller send the package using jne and im like oh f*ck its gonna take 10 years to be delivered. to make matters worse, i chose overnight shipping and it is impossible for jne to successfully deliver a package overnight. right now its the third day since my package has been shipped. why would i pay another 100k for overnight shipping and i didnt get my package on time or even the same as like regular service?
John Amalo
Memberi nilai : 3
Stil need improvement. Especially telephone operator. It impossible to reach jne by phone. So many people had to come for checking the AWB for goods position only.
Ardy Rinaldy
Memberi nilai : 1
People are giving a very bad review and JNE seems not to care about it. I haven't received my package (a mobile phone) for a week and everyone in this company is unresponsive, unprofessional and keep telling me things I can track/find it myself online, without pointing out the real issue so they can come up with the real solution.
Klik di sini untuk melihat semua Alamat dan no telp agen JNE di
Denpasar, BaliAlamat : Jl.
Danau Poso No.1A, Sanur Kauh, Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
No Telp :
(0361) 2010***Jam Buka : 08:00-17:00 (Senin - Sabtu).
Hari Minggu tutup.
Komentar Pengguna
Eka Nugraha
Memberi nilai : 1
Very bad service..
Werdi Media
Memberi nilai : 1
JNE Super duper bad service...Look at this picture from my order ????????????
Kurnia Kurniawati
Memberi nilai : 4
Good job
Aldi Rinaldi
Memberi nilai : 3
Fair enough, nice service from the staffs
Memberi nilai : 4
Gd srvc
Klik di sini untuk melihat semua Alamat dan no telp agen JNE di
Denpasar, Bali
Itulah daftar lengkap alamat beserta no telp JNE Express
"Danau Poso"
yang bisa kami tampilkan, semoga informasi diatas bermanfaat untuk Anda.
Untuk pengiriman barang via JNE
bisa langsung datang ke kantornya langsung atau menghubungi via telp/WA untuk fasilitas penjemputan paket (jika ada).
Anda juga bisa melakukan cek ongkir, cek resi, packing paket, dan komplain di kantor JNE.
Ada beberapa pilihan produk dan layanan pengiriman expedisi JNE yang dapat Anda pilih seperti dibawah ini:
- YES (Yakin Esok Sampai)
- REG (Reguler)
- OKE (Ongkos Kirim Ekonomis)
- JNE Trucking (JTR)
- COD (Cash On Delivery)
- Super Speed (SS)
- PESONA (Pesanan Oleh-oleh Nusantara)
- International Service
- JNE Loyalty Card (JLC)
- Jesika (Jemput Asi Seketika)
- Money Remittance
- JNE Pick-Up Point (JNE PIPO)
- @box
- Diplomat
- JNE Online Payment (JOP)
- JNE Online Booking (JOB)
- Pop Box
Jika ada kendala dalam pengiriman paket seperti, klaim asuransi, paket rusak, paket belum datang, paket hilang, dan lain-lain silahkan hubungi alamat/no telp di atas.
Apabila alamat/no telp yang kami sediakan di atas tidak dapat dihubungi atau tidak sesuai, Anda dapat menghubungi kantor pusat JNE Jakarta di bawah ini.
Jl. Tomang Raya No. 11
Jakarta Barat 11440
Contact center: (021) 2927 8888
Office: (62-21) 566 5262
Fax: (62-21) 567 1413
Email: customercare@jne.co.id
Website JNE: www.jne.co.id
Cari Alamat dan No telp JNE di Seluruh Indonesia