Alamat dan No Telp JNE Express di Malang Pajajaran
Berikut ini adalah daftar Alamat dan No Telp agen JNE Express di "Malang Pajajaran".
Alamat : Jl. Pajajaran No.17B, Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65111, Indonesia
No Telp :
(0341) 355***Jam Buka : 08:00-17:00 (Senin - Sabtu).
Hari Minggu tutup.
Komentar Pengguna
Annisa Rahmi
Memberi nilai : 1
bad behaviour from delivery courier but still use this service if it's the last option. much better to use jnt service. sorry jne malang ????????
Indra Setiawan
Memberi nilai : 4
Malang JNE warehouse, if your goods do not arrive according to the time immediately, just come here with the resident card and resi number
Billy Putra
Memberi nilai : 1
just a reminder, this is actually a warehouse, not a place to deliver goods, so don't send goods through this branch, 97% definitely lost / missing even though you have written the address is super large and super clear. if you already send goods through jne, just pray your package doesn't transit to this branch.
Adam Juliansyah
Memberi nilai : 2
I dont understand why a big place like this still needs their costumer to pay for the parking. I went here because I didnt receive my package on time and when I got here, I immediately regrets my decision. the sender of my package paid the service price to deliver the package right into my hands on estimated time. so, when you failed to catch up with estimated time and forced the recievers to pick it ip by themself, you should not force them to pay the parking.
Eka Agustian
Memberi nilai : 2
Sunday's service hour from 10am to 2pm!
Itulah daftar lengkap alamat beserta no telp JNE Express
"Malang Pajajaran"
yang bisa kami tampilkan, semoga informasi diatas bermanfaat untuk Anda.
Untuk pengiriman barang via JNE
bisa langsung datang ke kantornya langsung atau menghubungi via telp/WA untuk fasilitas penjemputan paket (jika ada).
Anda juga bisa melakukan cek ongkir, cek resi, packing paket, dan komplain di kantor JNE.
Ada beberapa pilihan produk dan layanan pengiriman expedisi JNE yang dapat Anda pilih seperti dibawah ini:
- YES (Yakin Esok Sampai)
- REG (Reguler)
- OKE (Ongkos Kirim Ekonomis)
- JNE Trucking (JTR)
- COD (Cash On Delivery)
- Super Speed (SS)
- PESONA (Pesanan Oleh-oleh Nusantara)
- International Service
- JNE Loyalty Card (JLC)
- Jesika (Jemput Asi Seketika)
- Money Remittance
- JNE Pick-Up Point (JNE PIPO)
- @box
- Diplomat
- JNE Online Payment (JOP)
- JNE Online Booking (JOB)
- Pop Box
Jika ada kendala dalam pengiriman paket seperti, klaim asuransi, paket rusak, paket belum datang, paket hilang, dan lain-lain silahkan hubungi alamat/no telp di atas.
Apabila alamat/no telp yang kami sediakan di atas tidak dapat dihubungi atau tidak sesuai, Anda dapat menghubungi kantor pusat JNE Jakarta di bawah ini.
Jl. Tomang Raya No. 11
Jakarta Barat 11440
Contact center: (021) 2927 8888
Office: (62-21) 566 5262
Fax: (62-21) 567 1413
Website JNE:
Cari Alamat dan No telp JNE di Seluruh Indonesia